We derive oscillation criteria for general-type neutral differential equations
[x(t)+αx(t−τ) +βx(t+τ)](n)=δ∫abx(t−s)dsq1(t,s)+δ∫cdx(t+s)dsq2(t,s)=0, t≥t0, where t0≥0, δ=±1, τ>0, b>a≥0, d>c≥0, α and β are real numbers, the functions q1(t,s):[t0,∞)×[a,b]→ℝ and q2(t,s):[t0,∞)×[c,d]→ℝ are nondecreasing in s for each fixed t, and τ is periodic and continuous with respect to t for each fixed s. In certain special cases, the results obtained generalize and improve some existing ones in the literature.