Let E be a real Banach space, K a closed convex nonempty subset of E, and T1,T2,…,Tm:K→K asymptotically quasi-nonexpansive mappings with sequences (resp.) {kin}n=1∞
satisfying kin→1 as n→∞, and ∑n=1∞(kin−1)<∞, i=1,2,…,m. Let {αn}n=1∞
be a sequence in [ε, 1−ε], ε∈(0,1). Define a sequence {xn} by x1∈K, xn+1=(1−αn)xn+αnT1nyn+m−2, yn+m−2=(1−αn)xn+αnT2nyn+m-3, …, yn=(1−αn)xn+αnTmnxn, n≥1, m≥2. Let ⋂i=1mF(Ti)≠∅. Necessary and sufficient conditions for a strong convergence of the sequence {xn} to a common fixed point of the family {Ti}i=1m are proved. Under some appropriate conditions, strong and weak convergence theorems are also proved.