Let μ be a nonnegative Radon measure on ℝd which satisfies the growth condition that
there exist constants C0>0 and n∈(0,d] such that for all x∈ℝd and r>0, μ(B(x,r))≤C0rn, where B(x,r) is the open ball centered at x and having radius r. In this paper, the
authors establish the uniform boundedness for approximations of the identity introduced
by Tolsa in the Hardy space H1(μ) and the BLO-type space RBLO (μ). Moreover, the
authors also introduce maximal operators ℳ.s (homogeneous) and ℳs (inhomogeneous)
associated with a given approximation of the identity S, and prove that ℳ.s is bounded
from H1(μ) to L1(μ) and ℳs is bounded from the local atomic Hardy space hatb1,∞(μ) to
L1(μ). These results are proved to play key roles in establishing relations between H1(μ)
and hatb1,∞(μ), BMO-type spaces RBMO (μ) and rbmo (μ) as well as RBLO (μ) and rblo (μ),
and also in characterizing rbmo (μ) and rblo (μ).