Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis 
Volume 8 (1995), Issue 4, Pages 423-428

Some extensions of Bateman's product formulas for the Jacobi polynomials

Ming-Po Chen1 and H. M. Srivastava2

1Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei 11529 , Taiwan
2University of Victoria, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, British Columbia, Victoria V8W 3P4, Canada

Received 1 October 1994; Revised 1 May 1995


The authors derive generalizations of some remarkable product formulas of Harry Bateman (1882-1946) for the classical Jacobi polynomials. They also show how the results considered here would lead to various families of linear, bilinear, and bilateral generating functions for the Jacobi and related polynomials.