International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 7 (1984), Issue 2, Pages 303-310
Preconvergence compactness and P-closed spaces
Robert A. Herrmann
Mathematics Department, U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis 21402, Maryland, USA
In this article the major result characterizes preconvergence compactness in terms of the preconvergence closedness of second projections. Applying this result to a topological space (X,T) yields similar characterizations for H-closed, nearly compact, completely Hausdorff-closed, extremely disconnected Hausdorff-closed, Urysohn-closed, S-closed and R-closed spaces, among others. Moreover, it is established that the s-convergence of Thompson (i.e. rc-convergence) is equivalent to topological convergence where the topology has as a subbase the set of all regular-closed elements of T.