International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 6 (1983), Issue 1, Pages 69-79
Complete convergence for weighted sums of arrays of random elements
Robert Lee Taylor
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of South Carolina, Columbia 29208, S. C., USA
Let {Xnk:k,n=1,2,…} be an array of row-wise independent random elements in a separable Banach space. Let {ank:k,n=1,2,…} be an array of real numbers such that ∑k=1∞|ank|≤1 and ∑n=1∞exp(−α/An)<∞ for each α ϵ R+ where An=∑k=1∞ank2. The complete convergence of ∑k=1∞ankXnk is obtained under varying moment and distribution conditions on the random elements. In particular, laws of large numbers follow for triangular arrays of random elements, and consistency of the kernel density estimates is obtained from these results.