International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 3 (1980), Issue 2, Pages 247-253

Rings with involution whose symmetric elements are central

Taw Pin Lim

Department of Actuarial Mathematics, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg R3T 2N2, Manitoba, Canada


In a ring R with involution whose symmetric elements S are central, the skew-symmetric elements K form a Lie algebra over the commutative ring S. The classification of such rings which are 2-torsion free is equivalent to the classification of Lie algebras K over S equipped with a bilinear form f that is symmetric, invariant and satisfies [[x,y],z]=f(y,z)xf(z,x)y. If S is a field of char 2, f0 and dimK>1 then K is a semisimple Lie algebra if and only if f is nondegenerate. Moreover, the derived algebra K is either the pure quaternions over S or a direct sum of mutually orthogonal abelian Lie ideals of dim2.