International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 29 (2002), Issue 7, Pages 395-415
On the structure of ionizing shock waves in magnetofluiddynamics
A. Aghajani
and M. Hesaaraki
Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, P.O. Box 19395-5746, Tehran, Iran
Ionizing shock waves in magnetofluiddynamics occur when the coefficient of electrical conductivity is very small ahead of the shock and very large behind it. For planner motion of plasma, the structure of such shock waves are stated in terms of a system of four-dimensional equations. In this paper, we show that for the above electrical conductivity as well as for limiting cases, that is, when this coefficient is zero ahead of the shock and/or is infinity behind it, ionizing fast, slow, switch-on and switch-off shocks admit structure. This means that physically these shocks occur.