International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 29 (2002), Issue 2, Pages 63-70
Fuzzy implicative hyper BCK-ideals of hyper BCK-algebras
Young Bae Jun
and Wook Hwan Shim
Department of Mathematics Education, Gyeongsang National University, Chinju 660-701, Korea
We consider the fuzzification of the notion of implicative hyper BCK-ideals, and then investigate several properties. Using the concept of level subsets, we give a characterization of a fuzzy implicative hyper BCK-ideal. We state a relation between a fuzzy hyper BCK-ideal and a fuzzy implicative hyper BCK-ideal. We establish a condition for a fuzzy hyper BCK-ideal to be a fuzzy implicative hyper BCK-ideal. Finally, we introduce the notion of hyper homomorphisms of hyper BCK-algebras, and discuss related properties.