International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 28 (2001), Issue 9, Pages 535-543
Relationship between ideals of BCI-algebras and order ideals of its adjoint semigroup
Michiro Kondo
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Shimane University, Matsue 690-8504, Japan
We consider the relationship between ideals of a BCI-algebra and order ideals of its adjoint semigroup. We show that (1) if I is an ideal, then I=M−1(M(I)), (2) M(M−1(J)) is the order ideal generated by J∩R(X), (3) if X is a BCK-algebra, then J=M(M−1(J)) for any order ideal J of X, thus, for each BCK-algebra X there is a one-to-one correspondence between the set ℐ(X) of all ideals of X and the set 𝒪(X) of all order ideals of it, and (4) the order M(M−1(J)) is an order ideal if and only if M−1(J) is an ideal. These results are the generalization of those denoted by Huang and Wang (1995) and Li (1999). We can answer the open problem of Li affirmatively.