International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 27 (2001), Issue 4, Pages 237-250
On Bicheng[Yang]-Debnath's generalizations of Hardy's integral inequality
Aleksandra Čižmešija1
and Josip Pečarić2
1Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb, Bijeni{c}ka cesta 30, Zagreb 10000, Croatia
2Faculty of Textile Technology, University of Zagreb, Pierottijeva 6, Zagreb 10000, Croatia
We consider Hardy's integral inequality and we obtain some new generalizations of Bicheng-Debnath's recent results. We derive two distinguished classes of inequalities covering all admissible choices of parameter k from Hardy's original relation. Moreover, we prove the constant factors involved in the right-hand sides of some particular inequalities from both classes to be the best possible, that is, none of them can be replaced with a smaller constant.