International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 26 (2001), Issue 5, Pages 269-280
Semiclassical quantization of circular billiard in homogeneous magnetic field: Berry-Tabor approach
Gergely Palla
, Gábor Vattay
and József Cserti
Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Eötvös University, Pázmány Péter sétany 1/A, Budapest H-1117, Hungary
Semiclassical methods are accurate in general in leading order of ħ, since they approximate quantum mechanics via canonical invariants. Often canonically noninvariant terms appear in the Schrödinger equation which are proportional to ħ2, therefore a discrepancy between different semiclassical trace formulas in order of ħ2 seems to be possible. We derive here the Berry-Tabor formula for a circular billiard in a homogeneous magnetic field. The formula derived for the semiclassical density of states surprisingly coincides with the results of Creagh-Littlejohn theory despite the presence of canonically noninvariant terms.