International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 26 (2001), Issue 3, Pages 173-178
On holomorphic extension of functions on singular real hypersurfaces in ℂn
Tejinder S. Neelon
Department of Mathematics, California State University San Marcos, San Marcos 92096, CA, USA
The holomorphic extension of functions defined on a class of real hypersurfaces in ℂn with singularities is investigated. When n=2, we prove the following: every C1 function on Σ that satisfies the tangential Cauchy-Riemann equation on boundary of {(z,w)∈ℂ2:|z|k<P(w)}, P∈C1, P≥0 and P≢0, extends holomorphically inside provided the zero set P(w)=0 has a limit point or P(w) vanishes to infinite order. Furthermore, if P is real analytic then the condition is also necessary.