International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 25 (2001), Issue 4, Pages 239-252
Kreǐn's trace formula and the spectral shift function
Khristo N. Boyadzhiev
Department of Mathematics, Ohio Northern University, Ada 45810, Ohio, USA
Let A,B be two selfadjoint operators whose difference B−A is trace class. Kreĭn proved the existence of a certain function ξ∈L1(ℝ) such that tr[f(B)−f(A)]=∫ℝf′(x)ξ(x)dx for a large set of functions f. We give here a new proof of this result and discuss the class of admissible functions. Our proof is based on the integral representation of harmonic functions on the upper half plane and also uses the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula.