International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 22 (1999), Issue 1, Pages 119-129
Fixed point theorems for generalized Lipschitzian semigroups in Banach spaces
Balwant Singh Thakur1
and Jong Soo Jung2
1Govt. B. H. S. S. Gariaband, Dist. Raipur 493889, M. P., India
2Department of Mathematics, Dong-A University, Pusan 604-714, Korea
Fixed point theorems for generalized Lipschitzian semigroups are proved in p-uniformly convex Banach spaces and in uniformly convex Banach spaces. As applications, its corollaries are given in a Hilbert space, in Lp spaces, in Hardy space Hp, and in Sobolev spaces Hk,p, for 1<p<∞ and k≥0.