International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 21 (1998), Issue 4, Pages 815-818
Codimension 2 fibrators that are closed under finite product
Young Ho Im1
, Mee Kwang Kang2
and Ki Mun Woo1
1Department of Mathematics, Pusan National University, Pusan 609-735, Korea
2Department of Mathematics, Dongeui University, Pusan 614-714, Korea
In this paper, we show that if Nm is a closed manifold with hyperhopfian fundamental group, πi(N)=0 for 1<i≤n and Sn is a simply connected manifold, then Nm×Sn satisfies the property that all proper, surjective maps from an orientable (n+2)-manifold M to a 2-manifold B for which each p−1(b) is homotopy equivalent to Nm×Sn necessarily are approximate fibrations.