International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 21 (1998), Issue 4, Pages 681-693
Common fixed points of biased maps of type (A) and applications
H.K. Pathak1
, Y.J. Cho2
and S.M. Kang2
1Department of Mathematics, Kalyan Mahavidyalaya, Bhilai Nagar, M.P. 490 006, India
2Department of Mathematics and Research Institute of Natural Science, Gyeongsang National University, Chinju 660-701, Korea
A generalization of compatible maps of type (A) called biased maps of type (A) is introduced and used to prove fixed point theorems for certain contractions of four maps. Extensions of known results are thereby obtained, i.e., the results of Pathak, Prasad, Jungck et al. are improved. Some problems on convergence of self-maps and fixed points are also discussed. Further, we use our main results to show the existence of solutions of nonlinear integral equations.