International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 2009 (2009), Article ID 232768, 12 pages
Total ponderomotive force on an extended test body
D. Langemann
Institute of Computational Mathematics, Technical University of Braunschweig, Pockelsstr. 14, 38106 Braunschweig, Germany
Droplets on insulating material suffer a nonvanishing total ponderomotive force because of the inhomogeneity of the surrounding electric field. A series expansion of this total force is proven in a two-dimensional setting by determining the line charge density at the boundary of the test body via a Fredholm integral equation, which is solved by Fourier techniques. The influence of electric charges in the neighborhood of the test body can be estimated as well as the convergence speed of the series expansion. In all realistic applications the series converges very fast. The numerical effort in the simulation of the motion of rainwater droplets on outdoor insulators reduces considerably.