International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 2006 (2006), Issue 8, Pages 34232, 7 p.
We obtain sufficient conditions for oscillation of all solutions of the neutral impulsive difference equation with continuous variable Δτ(y(t)+p(t)y(t−mτ))+Q(t)y(t−lτ)=0, t≥t0−τ, t≠tk, y(tk+τ)−y(tk)=bky(tk), k∈ℕ(1), where Δτ denotes the forward difference operator, that is, Δτz(t)=z(t+τ)−z(t), p(t)∈C([t0−τ,∞),ℝ), Q(t)∈C([t0−τ,∞),(0,∞)), m, l are positive integers, τ>0 and bk are constants, 0≤t0<t1<t2<⋯<tk<⋯ with limk→∞tk=∞.