International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 2004 (2004), Issue 65-68, Pages 3737-3753
Screen conformal half-lightlike submanifolds
K.L. Duggal1
and B. Sahin2
1Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Windsor, Windsor N9B 3P4, Ontario, Canada
2Department of Mathematics, Inonu University, Malatya 44100, Turkey
We study some properties of a half-lightlike submanifold M, of a semi-Riemannian manifold, whose shape operator is conformal to the shape operator of its screen distribution. We show that any screen distribution S(TM) of M is integrable and the geometry of M has a close relation with the nondegenerate geometry of a leaf of S(TM). We prove some results on symmetric induced Ricci tensor and null sectional curvature of this class.