International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 2004 (2004), Issue 53-56, Pages 2937-2945
Absolutely continuous measures and compact composition operator on spaces of Cauchy transforms
Yusuf Abu Muhanna1
and El-Bachir Yallaoui2
1Department of Mathematics, American University of Sharjah, P.O. Box 26666, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
2College of Arts and Sciences, Abu Dhabi University, P.O. Box 1790, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
The analytic self-map of the unit disk D, φ is said to induce a composition operator Cφ from the Banach space X to the Banach space Y if Cφ(f)=f∘φ∈Y for all f∈X. For z∈D and α>0, the families of weighted Cauchy transforms Fα are defined by f(z)=∫TKxα(z)dμ(x), where μ(x) is complex Borel measure, x belongs to the unit circle T, and the kernel Kx(z)=(1−x¯z)−1. In this paper, we will explore the relationship between the compactness of the composition operator Cφ acting on Fα and the complex Borel measures μ(x).