International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 2004 (2004), Issue 33-36, Pages 1725-1735
Product partitions and recursion formulae
M.V. Subbarao
Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton T6G 2G1, Alberta, Canada
Utilizing a method briefly hinted in the author's paper written in 1991 jointly with V. C. Harris, we derive here a number of unpublished recursion formulae for a variety of product partition functions which we believe have not been considered before in the literature. These include the functions p*(n;k,h) (which stands for the number of product partitions of n>1 into k parts of which h are distinct), and p(d)*(n;m) (which stands for the number of product partitions of n into exactly m parts with at most d repetitions of any part). We also derive recursion formulae for certain product partition functions without the use of generating functions.