International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 2004 (2004), Issue 1-4, Pages 55-64
Inclusion results for convolution submethods
Jeffrey A. Osikiewicz1
and Mohammad K. Khan2
1Department of Mathematical Sciences, Kent State University, Tuscarawas Campus, 330 University Dr. NE, New Philadelphia 44663-9403, OH, USA
2Department of Mathematical Sciences, Kent State University, Kent 44242-0001, OH, USA
If B is a summability matrix, then the submethod Bλ is the matrix obtained by deleting a set of rows from the matrix B. Comparisons between Euler-Knopp submethods and the Borel summability method are made. Also, an equivalence result for convolution submethods is established. This result will necessarily apply to the submethods of the Euler-Knopp, Taylor, Meyer-König, and Borel matrix summability methods.