International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 2004 (2004), Issue 9-12, Pages 599-605
q-Riemann zeta function
Taekyun Kim
Institute of Science Education, Kongju National University, Kongju 314-701, South Korea
We consider the modified q-analogue of Riemann zeta function which is defined by ζq(s)=∑n=1∞(qn(s−1)/[n]s), 0<q<1, s∈ℂ. In this paper, we give q-Bernoulli numbers which can be viewed as interpolation of the above q-analogue of Riemann zeta function at negative integers in the same way that Riemann zeta function interpolates Bernoulli numbers at negative integers. Also, we will treat some identities of q-Bernoulli numbers using nonarchimedean q-integration.