International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 2003 (2003), Issue 60, Pages 3777-3795
Nonassociative algebras: a framework for differential geometry
Lucian M. Ionescu
Department of Mathematics, Illinois State University, 61790-4520, IL, USA
A nonassociative algebra endowed with a Lie bracket, called a torsion algebra, is viewed as an algebraic analog of a manifold with an affine connection. Its elements are interpreted as vector fields and its multiplication is interpreted as a connection. This provides a framework for differential geometry on a formal manifold with a formal connection. A torsion algebra is a natural generalization of pre-Lie algebras which appear as the torsionless case. The starting point is the observation that the associator of a nonassociative algebra is essentially the curvature of the corresponding Hochschild quasicomplex. It is a cocycle, and the corresponding equation is interpreted as Bianchi identity. The curvature-associator-monoidal structure relationships are discussed. Conditions on torsion algebras allowing to construct an algebra of functions, whose algebra of derivations is the initial Lie algebra, are considered. The main example of a torsion algebra is provided by the pre-Lie algebra of Hochschild cochains of a K-module, with Lie bracket induced by Gerstenhaber composition.