International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 2003 (2003), Issue 57, Pages 3643-3656
Surge motion on a floating cylinder in water of finite depth
Dambaru D. Bhatta
Department of Mathematics, Louisiana State University Alexandria (LSUA), Alexandria 71302, LA, USA
We derived added mass and damping coefficients of a vertical floating circular cylinder due to surge motion in calm water of finite depth. This is done by deriving the velocity potential for the cylinder by considering two regions, namely, interior region and exterior region. The velocity potentials for these two regions are obtained by the method of separation of variables. The continuity of the solutions has been maintained at the imaginary interface of these regions by matching the functions and gradients of each solution. The complex matrix equation is numerically solved to determine the unknown coefficients. Some computational results are presented for different depth-to-radius and draft-to-radius ratios.