International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 18 (1995), Issue 3, Pages 531-534

Direct sums of J-rings and radical rings

Xiuzhan Guo

Department of Mathematics, Claina University of Mining and Technology, Jiangsu, Xuzhou 221008, China


Let R be a ring, J(R) the Jacobson radical of R and P the set of potent elements of R. We prove that if R satisfies () given x, y in R there exist integers m=m(x,y)>1 and n=n(x,y)>1 such that xmy=xyn and if each xR is the sum of a potent element and a nilpotent element, then N and P are ideals and R=NP. We also prove that if R satisfies () and if each xR has a representation in the form x=a+u, where aP and uJ(R) ,then P is an ideal and R=J(R)P.