International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 17 (1994), Issue 4, Pages 703-712
Asymptotic behavior of solutions of nonlinear functional differential equations
Jong Soo Jung1
, Jong Yeoul Park2
and Hong Jae Kang3
1Department of Mathematics, Dong-A University, Pusan 607-714, Korea
2Department of Mathematics, Pusan National University, Pusan 609-735, Korea
3Department of Mathematics, Graduate School, Dong-A University, Pusan 607-714, Korea
Using the properties of almost nonexpansive curves introduced by B. Djafari Rouhani, we study the asymptotic behavior of solutions of nonlinear functional differential equation du(t)/dt+Au(t)+G(u)(t)∋f(t), where A is a maximal monotone operator in a Hilbert space H, f∈L1(0,∞:H) and G:C([0,∞):D(A)¯)→L1(0,∞:H) is a given mapping.