International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 17 (1994), Issue 4, Pages 671-680
Bundles of Banach algebras
J.W. Kitchen1
and D.A. Robbins2
1Department of Mathematics, Duke University, Durham 27706, NC, USA
2Department of Mathematics, Trinity College, Hartford 06106, CT, USA
We study bundles of Banach algebras π:A→X, where each fiber Ax=π−1({x}) is a Banach algebra and X is a compact Hausdorff space. In the case where all fibers are commutative, we investigate how the Gelfand representation of the section space algebra Γ(π) relates to the Gelfand representation of the fibers. In the general case, we investigate how adjoining an identity to the bundle π:A→X relates to the standard adjunction of identities to the fibers.