International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 17 (1994), Issue 3, Pages 463-468
Finite completely primary rings in which the product of any two zero divisors of a ring is in its coefficient subring
Yousif Alkhamees
Department of Mathematics, King Saud University, P.O. Box 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia
According to general terminology, a ring R is completely primary if its set of zero divisors J forms an ideal. Let R be a finite completely primary ring. It is easy to establish that J is the unique maximal ideal of R and R has a coefficient subring S (i.e. R/J isomorphic to S/pS) which is a Galois ring. In this paper we give the construction of finite completely primary rings in which the product of any two zero divisors is in S and determine their enumeration. We also show that finite rings in which the product of any two zero divisors is a power of a fixed prime p are completely primary rings with either J2=0 or their coefficient subring is Z2n with n=2 or 3. A special case of these rings is the class of finite rings, studied in [2], in which the product of any two zero divisors is zero.