International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 16 (1993), Issue 3, Pages 459-464

Integral means of certain class of analytic functions

Chunyi Gao

Department of Mathematics, Changsha Communications Institute, Hunan, Changsha 410076, China


In this paper we discuss the following class of functions Sλ(α,β)={f(z):|f(z)g(z)1|<β|λf(z)g(z)+1|,zD}  where  0λ1,0<β1,0α<1, and f(z)=z+n=2anzn is analytic in D={z:|z|<1}, g(z) is a starlike function of order α. A subordination about this class is obtained, the integral means of functions in Sλ(α,β) and some extremal properties are studied.