International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 14 (1991), Issue 2, Pages 289-292
Geometric presentations of classical knot groups
John Erbland1
and Mauricio Guterriez2
1Department of Mathematics, University of Hartford, West Hartford 06117, Connecticut, USA
2Mathematics Department, Tufts University, Medford 02155, Massachusetts, USA
The question addressed by thls paper is, how close is the tunnel number of a knot to the minimum number of relators in a presentation of the knot group? A dubious, but useful conjecture, is that these two invariants are equal. (The analogous assertion applied to 3-manifolds is known to be false. [1]). It has been shown recently [2] that not all presentations of a knot group are "geometric". The main result in this paper asserts that the tunnel number is equal to the minimum number of relators among presentations satisfying a somewhat restrictive condition, that is, that such presentations are always geometric.