International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 13 (1990), Issue 2, Pages 271-274

A note on Tauberian operators

Jesús Araujo1 and J. Martinez-Maurica2

1Departamento de Matemáticas, ETSI Industriales, Universidad de Oviedo, Castiello de Bernueces, Gijón 33204, Spain
2Departamento de Matemáticas, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Santander, Av. Los Castros, Santander 39071, Spain


In this note we prove the existence of operators which are not Tauberian even though they satisfy properties about restrictions being Tauberian. The operators are defined on Banach spaces which contain a somewhat reflexive, non-reflexive subspace. This gives an answer to a question proposed by R. Neidinger [1].