Fixed Point Theory and Applications
Volume 2009 (2009), Article ID 571546, 8 pages
We present a new and interesting extension theorem for concave operators as follows. Let X be a real linear space, and let (Y,K) be a real order complete PL space. Let the set A⊂X×Y be convex. Let X0 be a real linear proper subspace of X, with θ∈(AX−X0)ri, where AX={x∣(x,y)∈A for some y∈Y}. Let g0:X0→Y be a concave operator such that g0(x)≤z whenever (x,z)∈A and x∈X0. Then there exists a concave operator g:X→Y such that (i) g is an extension of g0, that is, g(x)=g0(x) for all x∈X0, and (ii) g(x)≤z whenever (x,z)∈A.