Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
Volume 6 (2001), Issue 4, Pages 263-279
Biomolecular nonlinear dynamic mechanisms as a foundation for human traits of information processing machine
Nicholas G. Rambidi
Department of Physics, Moscow State University, International Research Institute for Management Sciences, 2-ya, Moscow Pestchanaya 8-53, Russia
A pseudo-biological paradigm in information processing launched by McCulloch and Pitts in the early 1940s has been advanced during the last decades. Different attempts were made based on these developments to design operational information processing devices capable of solving problems of high computational complexity.One of them was the use of nonlinear dynamic mechanisms inherent in information processing by biochemical, biomolecular, and simple biological entities. Chemical reaction-diffusion media proved to be effective tools for the implementation of these capabilities.Basic features of these information processing means and modeling of their information processing capabilities are discussed in this paper. Belousov-Zhabotinsky type reaction-diffusion media were used to simulate image processing operations and finding paths in a labyrinth.