Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
Volume 5 (2000), Issue 2, Pages 97-106
Differential representations of dynamical oscillator symmetries in discrete Hilbert space
Andreas Ruffing
Zentrum Mathematik, Technische Universität München, Arcisstrasse, 21/H4, München D-80333, Germany
As a very important example for dynamical symmetries in the context of q-generalized quantum mechanics the algebra aa†−q−2a†a=1 is investigated. It represents the oscillator symmetry SUq(1,1) and is regarded as a commutation phenomenon of the q-Heisenberg algebra which provides a discrete spectrum of momentum and space, i.e., a discrete Hilbert space structure. Generalized q-Hermite functions and systems of creation and annihilation operators are derived. The classical limit q→1 is investigated. Finally the SUq(1,1) algebra is represented by the dynamical variables of the q-Heisenberg algebra.