Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
Volume 4 (2000), Issue 3, Pages 187-200
Quasi-discrete dynamics of a neural net: The lighthouse model
Hermann Haken
Institute for Theoretical Physics 1, Center of Synergetics, Pfaffenwaldring 57/4, Stuttgart D-70550, Germany
This paper studies the features of a net of pulse-coupled model neurons, taking into account the dynamics of dendrites and axons. The axonal pulses are modelled by δ-functions. In the case of small damping of dendritic currents, the model can be treated exactly and explicitly. Because of the δ-functions, the phase-equations can be converted into algebraic equations at discrete times. We first exemplify our procedure by two neurons, and then present the results for N neurons. We admit a general dependence of input and coupling strengths on the neuronal indices. In detail, the results are (1) exact solution of the phase-locked state;(2) stability of phase-locked state with respect to perturbations, such as phase jumps and random fluctuations, the correlation functions of the phases are calculated;(3) phase shifts due to spontaneous opening of vesicles or due to failure of opening; (4) effect of different sensory inputs on axonal pulse frequencies of coupled neurons.