Boundary Value Problems
Volume 2009 (2009), Article ID 905769, 28 pages
We discuss the properties of the differential equation u′′(t)=(a/t)u′(t)+f(t,u(t),u′(t)), a.e. on (0,T], where a∈ℝ\{0}, and f satisfies the Lp-Carathéodory conditions on [0,T]×ℝ2 for some p>1. A full description of the asymptotic behavior for t→0+ of functions u satisfying the equation a.e. on (0,T] is given. We also describe the structure of boundary conditions which are necessary and sufficient for u to be at least in C1[0,T]. As an application of the theory, new existence and/or uniqueness results for solutions of periodic boundary value problems are shown.