Boundary Value Problems
Volume 2008 (2008), Article ID 728603, 8 pages
The existence of at least three positive solutions for differential equation (ϕp(u′(t)))′+g(t)f(t,u(t),u′(t))=0, under one of the following boundary conditions: u(0)=∑i=1m−2aiu(ξi), φp(u′(1))=∑i=1m−2biφp(u′(ξi)) or φp(u′(0))=∑i=1m−2aiφp(u′(ξi)), u(1)=∑i=1m−2biu(ξi) is obtained by using the H. Amann fixed point theorem, where φp(s)=|s|p−2s, p>1, 0<ξ1<ξ2<⋯<ξm−2<1, ai>0, bi>0, 0<∑i=1m−2ai<1, 0<∑i=1m−2bi<1. The interesting thing is that g(t) may be singular at any point of [0,1] and f may be noncontinuous.