Advances in Decision Sciences
Volume 8 (2004), Issue 3, Pages 175-190
A wareness, belief, and communication reaching consensus
Emiko Fukuda1
, Takashi Matsuhisa2
and Hisato Sasanuma3
1Graduate school of Decision Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
2Department of liberal Arts and science, Ibaraki National College of Technology, Japan
3Undergraduate Course of Electric Engineering, Ibaraki National College of Technology, Japan
This article studies graph-theoretical conditions under which communication will lead to consensus among players about their decisions in circumstances where there are more than tow players and they interact in pair without public announcement. It is shown that comsensus on their decisions can be guaranteed if the communication graph contains no cycle. Where none of the requirements for player's knowledge is imposed as in the standard model of knowledg with partitional information structure.