Advances in Difference Equations
Volume 2010 (2010), Article ID 347670, 15 pages
Pairs of function spaces and exponential dichotomy on the real line
Adina Luminiţa Sasu
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, West University of Timişoara, C. Coposu Boulevard. no. 4, 300223 Timişoara, Romania
We provide a complete diagram of the relation between the admissibility of pairs of Banach function spaces and the exponential dichotomy of evolution families on the real line. We prove that if W∈ℋ(ℝ) and V∈𝒯(ℝ) are two Banach function spaces with the property that either W∈𝒲(ℝ) or V∈𝒱(ℝ), then the admissibility of the pair (W(ℝ,X),V(ℝ,X)) implies the existence of the exponential dichotomy. We study when the converse implication holds and show that the hypotheses on the underlying function spaces cannot be dropped and that the obtained results are the most general in this topic. Finally, our results are applied to the study of exponential dichotomy of C0-semigroups.