Advances in Difference Equations
Volume 2009 (2009), Article ID 128602, 27 pages

Global behavior of solutions to two classes of second-order rational difference equations

Sukanya Basu and Orlando Merino

Department of Mathematics, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881, USA


For nonnegative real numbers α, β, γ, A, B, and C such that B+C>0 and α+β+γ>0, the difference equation xn+1=(α+βxn+γxn1)/(A+Bxn+Cxn1), n=0,1,2, has a unique positive equilibrium. A proof is given here for the following statements: (1) For every choice of positive parametersα, β, γ, A, B, and C, all solutions to the difference equationxn+1=(α+βxn+γxn1)/(A+Bxn+Cxn1), n=0,1,2,,x1,x0[0,)converge to the positive equilibrium or to a prime period-two solution. (2) For every choice of positive parametersα, β, γ, B, and C, all solutions to the difference equationxn+1=(α+βxn+γxn1)/(Bxn+Cxn1), n=0,1,2,,  x1,  x0(0,)converge to the positive equilibrium or to a prime period-two solution.