Abstract and Applied Analysis
Volume 7 (2002), Issue 2, Pages 85-102
Existence of entropy solutions for some nonlinear problems in Orlicz spaces
A. Benkirane
and J. Bennouna
Département de Mathématique, Faculté des Sciences Dhar Mehraz, Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdallah, Atlas Fes BP 1796, Morocco
We study in the framework of Orlicz Sobolev spaces W01LM(Ω), the existence of entropic solutions to the nonlinear elliptic problems: −div a(x,u,∇u)+div Φ(u)=f in Ω, for the case where the second member of the equation f∈L 1(Ω), and Φ∈(C0(ℝ))N.