Abstract and Applied Analysis
Volume 2 (1997), Issue 3-4, Pages 301-315
N-Laplacian equations in ℝN with critical growth
João Marcos Bezerra do Ó
Departamento de Matemática, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa 58059.900, Pb, Brazil
We study the existence of nontrivial solutions to the following problem: {u∈W1,N(ℝN),u≥0 and−div(|∇u|N−2∇u)+a(x)|u|N−2u=f(x,u) in ℝN(N≥2), where a is a continuous function which is coercive, i.e., a(x)→∞ as |x|→∞ and the nonlinearity f behaves like exp(α|u|N/(N−1)) when |u|→∞.