Abstract and Applied Analysis
Volume 2009 (2009), Article ID 360794, 6 pages
A theorem of Galambos-Bojanić-Seneta type
Dragan Djurčić1
and Aleksandar Torgašev2
1Technical Faculty, University of Kragujevac, Svetog Save 65, {C}a{c}ak 32000, Serbia
2Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Studentski trg 16a, Belgrade 11000, Serbia
In the theorems of Galambos-Bojanić-Seneta's type, the asymptotic behavior of the functions c[x], x≥1, for x→+∞, is investigated by the asymptotic behavior of the given sequence of positive numbers (cn), as n→+∞ and vice versa. The main result of this paper is one theorem of such a type for sequences of positive numbers (cn) which satisfy an asymptotic condition of the Karamata type lim¯n→∞ c[λn]/cn>1, for λ>1.