Abstract and Applied Analysis
Volume 2008 (2008), Article ID 485706, 5 pages
A function f is continuous if and only if, for each point x0 in the domain, limn→∞f(xn)=f(x0), whenever limn→∞xn=x0. This is equivalent to the statement that (f(xn)) is a convergent sequence whenever (xn) is convergent. The concept of slowly oscillating continuity is defined in the sense that a function f is slowly oscillating continuous if it transforms slowly oscillating sequences to slowly oscillating sequences, that is, (f(xn)) is slowly oscillating whenever (xn) is slowly oscillating. A sequence (xn) of points in R is slowly oscillating if limλ→1+lim―nmaxn+1≤k≤[λn]|xk-xn|=0, where [λn] denotes the integer part of λn. Using ɛ>0's and δ's, this is equivalent to the case when, for any given ɛ>0, there exist δ=δ(ɛ)>0 and N=N(ɛ) such that |xm−xn|<ɛ if n≥N(ɛ) and n≤m≤(1+δ)n. A new type compactness is also defined and some new results related to compactness are obtained.