Abstract and Applied Analysis
Volume 2008 (2008), Article ID 390857, 16 pages
Multivariate Interpolation Functions of Higher-Orderq-Euler Numbers and Their Applications
Hacer Özden1
, Ismail Naci Cangül1
and Yilmaz Simsek3
1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Uludag, Bursa 16059, Turkey
3Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Akdeniz, Antalya 07058, Turkey
The aim of this paper, firstly, is to construct generating functions of q-Euler numbers and polynomials of higher order by applying the fermionic p-adic q-Volkenborn integral, secondly, to define multivariate q-Euler zeta function (Barnes-type Hurwitz q-Euler zeta function) and l-function which interpolate these numbers and polynomials at negative integers, respectively. We give relation between Barnes-type Hurwitz q-Euler zeta function and multivariate q-Euler l-function. Moreover, complete sums of products of these numbers and polynomials are found. We give some applications related to these numbers and functions as well.