Abstract and Applied Analysis
Volume 2007 (2007), Article ID 52840, 4 pages
On Minimal Norms on Mn
Madjid Mirzavaziri
and Mohammad Sal Moslehian
Department of Mathematics, Ferdowsi University, P.O. Box 1159, Mashhad 91775, Iran
We show that for each minimal norm N(⋅) on the algebra ℳn of all n×n complex matrices, there exist norms ‖⋅‖1 and ‖⋅‖2 on ℂn such that N(A)=max{‖Ax‖2:‖x‖1=1, x∈ℂn} for all A∈ℳn. This may be regarded as an extension of a known result on characterization of minimal algebra norms.