Abstract and Applied Analysis
Volume 2006 (2006), Article ID 94509, 15 pages
On a certain functional equation in the algebra of polynomials with complex coefficients
E. Muhamadiev
Department of Information Systems Technologies, Vologda State Technical University, 15 Lenin Street, Vologda 160035, Russia
Many analytical problems can be reduced to determining the number of roots of a polynomial in a given disc. In turn, the latter problem admits further reduction to the generalized Rauss-Hurwitz problem of determining the number of roots of a polynomial in a semiplane. However, this procedure requires complicated coefficient transformations. In the present paper we suggest a direct method to evaluate the number of roots of a polynomial with complex coefficients in a disc, based on studying a certain equation in the algebra of polynomials. An application for computing the rotation of plane polynomial vector fields is also given.