Abstract and Applied Analysis
Volume 2006 (2006), Article ID 36215, 10 pages
The Kolmogorov equation in the stochastic fragmentation theory and branching processes with infinite collection of particle types
R.Ye. Brodskii1
and Yu.P. Virchenko2
1Single Crystal Institute, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lenin avenue 65, Kharkov 61001, Ukraine
2Belgorod State University, Pobedy 85, Belgorod 308015, Russia
The stochastic model for the description of the so-called fragmentation process in frameworks of Kolmogorov approach is proposed. This model is represented as the branching process with continuum set (0,∞) of particle types. Each type r∈(0,∞) corresponds to the set of fragments having the size r. It is proved that the branching condition of this process represents the basic equation of the Kolmogorov theory.